
mixed race Learn more about mixed race

  • Breeding "mixed-race pigs" in Hulunbuir is on the road to prosperity.


    Breeding "mixed-race pigs" in Hulunbuir is on the road to prosperity.

  • Identification skills of excellent racing pigeons

    Identification skills of excellent racing pigeons

    Select good racing pigeons, just like picking athletes. There are two major categories of carrier pigeon competitions in the world: one is the "evaluation race", and the other is the speed race, which is divided into short-and medium-distance, long-distance and ultra-long-distance races. A good carrier pigeon must be of the right size. Balance and coordination are the most important conditions for a good racing pigeon to show by its appearance, while length and weight are closely related to whole body balance and coordination. In the team of champion pigeons, there may be racing pigeons that are too big or too small, but most champion pigeons are of medium size.

  • Succulent pollination hybrids teach you to raise mixed-race meat.

    Succulent pollination hybrids teach you to raise mixed-race meat.

    The mating of this girl with a little doughnut is very messy, but in any case, as long as we can produce good-looking meat, our love for meat will only increase. TIPS: crassulaceae can not be self-bred with the same plant, such as with consanguinity.

  • What is soybean gray spot disease and how to prevent it?

    What is soybean gray spot disease and how to prevent it?

    What is soybean gray spot disease and how to prevent it? Ask to instruct soybean gray spot disease: (1) harm and symptom soybean gray spot disease calls brown spot disease again, spot disease or frog eye disease. Soybean gray spot is a worldwide disease, and also an important disease in main soybean producing areas in China, especially in Northeast China. The pathogen is located in the eastern part of Heilongjiang Province.

  • One yuan to treat pigeon crop bursitis

    One yuan to treat pigeon crop bursitis

    Pigeon crop muttering, commonly known as rising, hard and soft crop disease, is one of the common diseases of pigeons. So, do you know the one-yuan way to treat pigeon crop bursitis? One yuan to treat pigeon crop bursitis 1. Conservative treatment, first put the contents of rancidity in the crop

    2020-11-11 One yuan treatment pigeon dove bursitis crop inflammation commonly known as
  • How to choose young pigeons

    How to choose young pigeons

    The rise and fall of a pigeon house depends to a large extent on the choice of young pigeons from a breeding point of view. For the young pigeons, should be selected. If it is kept regardless of the pros and cons, it will not only waste energy and material resources, but also lead to a decline in the performance of the whole shed. On the contrary, the careful selection of high-quality young pigeons is very beneficial to breeding competition. Therefore, pigeon owners must pay attention to the choice of young pigeons. How to choose young pigeons? first, pedigree is the foundation. According to the practice of racing, the young pigeons with good pedigree and outstanding performance in the shed were selected as the next generation of breeding pigeons. Hybrid pigeons can be the most outstanding in choosing and retaining genetics.

  • The method of raising pigeons: the most important skill of raising pigeons is the choice of young pigeons.

    The method of raising pigeons: the most important skill of raising pigeons is the choice of young pigeons.

    To raise pigeons, the most important thing for us is the choice of young pigeons, otherwise the raised pigeons are easy to get sick, or there are other problems, then for young pigeons, how do we choose? If you keep it regardless of the pros and cons, it will not only waste energy and material resources, but also guide

    2019-01-17 Raising pigeons methods skills and most importantly young pigeons choose
  • Taiwan cantaloupe new variety Tairi hybrid, what are the characteristics of Kaohsiung No. 2 tangerine melon? how sweet is it?

    Taiwan cantaloupe new variety Tairi hybrid, what are the characteristics of Kaohsiung No. 2 tangerine melon? how sweet is it?

    The muskmelon "Kaohsiung No. 2-Orange Queen" in the mixed-race queen greenhouse of Taiwan and Japan has a sweet and delicious pulp and is easier to grow than those imported from Japan. Qingnong Su Jingwei has been successfully planted in Changzhi Township, Pingtung County. The agricultural reform farm in Kaohsiung District held a new variety demonstration and tasting meeting.

    2019-05-24 Taiwan cantaloupe new variety Tairi mixed race Kaohsiung No. 2 orange queen
  • How to grow cyclamen bulbs?-how to plant cyclamen bulbs

    How to grow cyclamen bulbs?-how to plant cyclamen bulbs

    Cyclamen is one of the famous potted flowers of Spring Festival in China because of its wonderful flower shape, gorgeous color and long-lasting flowering period. If you put a pot of cyclamen indoors when the Spring Festival is approaching, it is bound to give birth to spring all over the room. at the same time, it is also a good gift for good friends and loved ones. But during the potted cultivation of cyclamen

  • Six main points of raising pigeons in autumn

    Six main points of raising pigeons in autumn

    The basic metabolism and energy consumption of pigeon body in summer were significantly higher than that in autumn, and more sweating led to the loss of mineral and other nutrient elements in pigeon body, and the digestive juice secreted by pigeon body decreased with the increase of sweat. Pigeon appetite will decline

    2020-11-08 Autumn raising pigeons six key points strong autumn fat summer pigeon body
  • How much is a German shepherd?

    How much is a German shepherd?

    How much is a German shepherd?

  • Beagle


    History: this breed is the smallest of hunting dogs. From ancient Greek times. The mixed race of the Raumans and the French used to raise the dog for hunting rabbits. The dog was introduced into England in 1066. At that time, because of its small size, it was often put in the pocket, so it was called the Pocket Meagle, and now the Meglu hound is improved from this dog. Elizabeth I, William II and George III all raised the breed and were used as hunting dogs on the hills of Brayden, Saxes. 1895 English beagle hound

  • How much is an Alaskan dog known as a sleigh?

    How much is an Alaskan dog known as a sleigh?

    The Alaskan is one of the three fools of the sleigh, and it is a large dog with long hair. Because of its lovely appearance, and it is really smart compared with Erha. Stupid and cute. So, in our lives, there are a lot of people who own Alaskan dogs.

    2020-11-11 Known as sleigh three silly Alaska more dogs less money
  • Black tea review

    Black tea review

    The quality priority and grade of the finished black tea were evaluated by comparing the appearance, endoplasmic sensory evaluation of the standard sample tea. Kongfu black tea: focus on beautiful and symmetrical appearance. Factors such as shape evaluation, fragmentation, color, cleanness, etc. The length of the cable is dull, thick and thin, contains millimeter, tight knot Tingxiu, there are sharp fungus, Baihao exposed, body weight is excellent, and vice versa. For the uniform ratio and lower plate tea content, it is required that the upper, middle and lower stages of tea should be properly proportioned, connected with each other, not out of gear, flat and symmetrical, and the content permeability of lower plate tea (broken tea). The color and lustre is more dry and even.

  • Jihuang 13 (soybean original name: Jihuang 103)

    Jihuang 13 (soybean original name: Jihuang 103)

    Characteristics: White flowers, brown hairs, lanceolate leaves, sub-finite podding habits. The average growth period is 139days, plant height 102.7 cm, effective branches 1.3, effective pods 41.2per plant, seeds per plant 91.6g, grain weight 17.8g per plant, 100seed weight 19.9g. Seed coat yellow, brown navel, round. Inoculated and identified by the Soybean Research Center of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, SMV1 strain with moderate resistance to mosaic virus, mixed strain with moderate susceptibility to SMV and race 4 with moderate susceptibility to soybean cyst nematode were identified. Average

  • Control of watermelon anthracnose with benzoconazole

    Control of watermelon anthracnose with benzoconazole

    Control of watermelon anthracnose with benzoconazole

  • How much is a purebred labrador?

    How much is a purebred labrador?

    How much is a purebred labrador?

  • Introduction to the symptoms, causes and control measures of soybean virus disease

    Introduction to the symptoms, causes and control measures of soybean virus disease

    In the process of soybean growth, some virus diseases will occur, which will seriously affect its growth. Soybean virus disease is a systematic disease, which is widely distributed and generally occurs in various soybean producing areas. Let's take a look at the symptoms and causes of soybean virus disease.

    2020-11-08 Soybean virus disease symptoms causes control measures introduction
  • How to raise high survival rate of water spray (small fry)?

    How to raise high survival rate of water spray (small fry)?

    Water spray refers to the small seedlings hatched from fish eggs. Generally, the seedlings that can be released from fish ponds and delivered are 3-4 days after shelling. The body length is between 0.5-1cm. The whole body is translucent or light gray black. If the water is stored too long after shelling,

    2020-11-11 splash small fry how raise survival rate high popular
  • October radish contest ginseng can be eaten in a way that pays attention to eating radish without adding it is tantamount to eating for nothing.

    October radish contest ginseng can be eaten in a way that pays attention to eating radish without adding it is tantamount to eating for nothing.

    As we all know, there is a folk saying that "October radish race ginseng" and "radish listed, the doctor goes off the market". White radish is cool and sweet, with the effects of clearing away heat, promoting qi, invigorating the spleen, relieving qi and resolving phlegm. In the white radish.
